Why Equity Summit?

Today’s world is a complicated one in which, in our darker moments, it can feel like things are only getting worse. But as educators, it is important for us to maintain a hold of our hope for positive and systemic social change. Not only do young people deal with heartbreaking injustices such as racism and poverty, but many children also grow up in areas that are environmentally harmful, and in schools that cut art programs, sidestep uncomfortable histories, and ask students to conform to a single standard of behavior and thinking. Every time we don’t meet our kids where they are, we put them one step further away from reaching their goals and helping heal our country and world.

We created Equity Summit to create a platform on which we bring to light the barriers that affect so many of today’s students. Ensuring that every student, regardless of color, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, has an opportunity to reach their dreams is very close to our hearts. Through our work, we aim to answer the following question: What can we do to provide educators with the skills, resources, and space to do the work necessary for all students to have an opportunity to succeed, both personally and academically?

What you can expect to get out of Equity Summit

The Equity Summit aims to bring forward conversations around equity from all aspects of the educational system, to provide opportunities for administrators and teachers to explore their own school’s equity challenges, and to encourage everyone to partner together to create action for impact. At its core, Equity Summit is a commitment to reflection and self-improvement, where participants are able to challenge themselves and others in their thinking, actions, inactions, and ways of being.

At Equity Summit, educators can expect to:

  1. Learn why and how certain student populations are systemically and traditionally underserved so they can be provided the best opportunities for success.
  2. Build relationships with peers who are providing resources to ensure all students have access to learning opportunities that support their learning style and goals.
  3. Create a playbook of actionable steps, and colleagues, you can use to drive change on an individual, school-wide and community level.