Equity Summit is a virtual conference event that will take place on April 12th, 2024. It is a full-day of professional development open to anyone. All sessions will be centered around the topic of equity, and our theme for this year is Building Bridges Fostering Community Through Equity and Unity. Bridging the gap between educators, students, and the community is essential to empowering individuals a ambassadors of change. Through engaging discussions, collaborative workshops, and inspiring presentations, participants will explore strategies to bridge divides, promote equity, and create belonging for all.
Does your work in education transform lives? Do you believe every student should have universal access to education? If your work is driving positive change, we’re eager to share your voice!
Now, it’s your opportunity to share your insights, experiences, and expertise with a national audience and inspire others to join you in building bridges toward equity.
At the Equity Summit 2024, we invite passionate educators, advocates, thought leaders, and change-makers like you to submit proposals for sessions, workshops, and presentations. This is your platform to showcase innovative strategies, share success stories, and ignite meaningful conversations that drive progress in the realms of equity, inclusivity, and unity.
Q&A Format or Casual Chat
Full Presentation with Q&A
Full Presentation, Q&A and Worksheets
You do amazing work to inspire change for students, parents, and communities. We would like to give you
the opportunity to share your work towards equity with others. Topics could be:
Building bridges requires moving from “the work I do” to “the work we do” to create equity in our schools and communities. Through this stand, we aim to explore innovative pathways that empower you to become an ambassador, equipped with the necessary tools and inspiration to drive critical change within your communities. Additionally, collaboration is an essential component of equity-focused work, and this strand immerses you in dynamic presentations that offer practical and actionable strategies. Discover and harness the power of collaboration, drawing communities closer to their shared purpose.
Academic Engagement helps create and advance relationships between educators and students, reinvent learning and collaboration, shrink long-standing equity and accessibility gaps, and adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners. Presentations in this strand will support teachers in developing innovative approaches to instruction that empower all students to engage and advocate for their learning.
When we amplify voices, we are advocating for the voices that have been systematically silenced in the past. Meaningful amplification of voices can provide a foundation for advocacy and create safe classroom where everyone feels heard, respected and part of a community. Presentations in this strand focus on how we can use equitable practices to amplify voices for a more equitable future.
Effective partnerships require educators, families, and communities to deepen collaboration and authentically engage in meaningful ways. Presentations in this strand will focus on leveraging inclusive practices that foster significant engagement with our families and communities, empowering them with tools beyond the classroom.
What practices, structures, and supports empower teachers to develop their craft? Presentations in this strand will explore topics such as growing leaders within schools and regions, establishing and supporting professional learning communities, leveraging positions to advocate for all our students, and developing pedagogical knowledge.
This strand invites experts, advocates and novices alike from various disciplines to engage in meaningful conversations that address the imbalance of opportunities and outcomes in technology. Our aim is to foster a deeper understanding of the intricate ways in which technology can either perpetuate existing inequalities or serve as a powerful tool for positive change.
NOTE: Submitting a proposal does not guarantee that you will be presenting. Space is limited, and we will be reaching out to those who are chosen to lead these discussions.